General sales and delivery conditions webshop
Moriche Fashion

The following terms and conditions apply to all offers, purchase agreements, deliveries and services relating to online orders on our site, from now on “online store”. To all rights, obligations, offers, orders, returns and agreements concluded Only Dutch law applies to these conditions.

General sales and delivery conditions webshop Moriche Fashion

The following terms and conditions apply to all offers, purchase agreements, deliveries and services relating to online orders on our site, from now on “online store”. To all rights, obligations, offers, orders, returns and agreements concluded Only Dutch law applies to these conditions.

By placing an order on the website, the customer accepts these conditions. These terms and conditions are subject to change by the online store without prior notice.


Moriche Fashion based in Sint Willebrord, Netherlands

Chamber of Commerce registration number: 91059534

VAT registration number: NL004862445B06


1.- Consumer: Any natural person who acts for purposes other than his commercial, business, craft or professional activity.

2.- Trader: Natural or legal person acting for purposes related to his commercial activity, business, trade or profession or in the name or on behalf of a trader.

3.- Purchase and sale contract: Any contract whereby the trader transfers or undertakes to transfer the ownership of goods to the consumer, including any contract concerning both goods and services.

4.- Distance Contract: Contracts concluded by means of distance communication: via the Internet, including online markets, by telephone, etc.

5.- Additional agreement: Agreement whereby the consumer purchases goods in connection with a distance contract, and these goods are delivered by the entrepreneur or by a third party based on an agreement between that third party and the entrepreneur.

6.- Cooling-off period: The period within which the consumer can exercise his right of withdrawal.

7.-Day: Workday.

8.- Right of withdrawal: Option for the consumer to cancel the distance contract within the cooling-off period.

9.-Distance agreement: Agreement concluded between the entrepreneur and the consumer in an organized system of distance selling of products, by exclusively using one or more techniques for distance communication from the conclusion of the agreement until with the delivery of the product.

10.-Model withdrawal form: The model European withdrawal form.

11.-Technology for remote communication: This means that can be used to conclude an agreement, without the consumer and entrepreneur having to meet in the same room at the same time.


Conditions of sale:

1. The offer: Customers place their orders on the website with prior registration and acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions. Once the purchase offer has been made, the client is bound by the offer until the end of the third working day after the offer.

2. The acceptance: The customer immediately receives a confirmation email that is automatically generated, but this does not constitute acceptance of the offer, but indicates that we have received the order. The online store reserves the right to refuse an order at any time for the following reasons: a) If the product ordered is out of stock. b) The online store cannot obtain payment authorization. c) The existence of an error in the information about the requested product, including its price. If it is not possible to complete an order, the online store will immediately inform the customer.

3. Formalization of the contract: The offer is considered accepted when the customer has received a binding acceptance by e-mail or the goods have been delivered. The contract is not formalized until this acceptance exists.

4. Right of withdrawal: Until the acceptance of the offer has been formalized in accordance with the previous point, the consumer may cancel the contract during this period.

5. The offer: It has a limited period of validity and is made subject to conditions, which are expressly stated in the sales process with the complete and accurate description of the products. The description is sufficiently detailed to allow a good assessment by the consumer. Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous paragraph, the agreement is concluded at the time of acceptance of the sale by the consumer and compliance with the conditions set. If the agreement is concluded electronically, the entrepreneur will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure the electronic transfer of data and ensure a secure web environment.

6. Price: All prices in the online store are in euros, including VAT (Value Added Tax), calculated at the applicable Dutch VAT rate.

 The online store accepts payments via

● Visa

● MasterCard

● American Express

● PayPal

● Ideal

8.Shipping: The prices indicated on the website do not include shipping costs. The cost of shipping the order depends on the delivery location, unless free shipping is available to some locations and is clearly offered and posted.

Withdrawal Policy:

9. Return or withdrawal: The consumer can dissolve an agreement relating to the purchase of a product during a cooling-off period of 14 days without giving reasons by reporting this unambiguously (email) to the entrepreneur and submits the product return the product directly to the entrepreneur in the original condition and packaging and according to the instructions reported by the trader, the risk and burden of proof lies with the consumer.

10. Return costs: The consumer bears the direct costs of returning the product. The entrepreneur may ask the consumer the reason for withdrawal, but may not oblige him to provide information.

11. Start of the cooling-off period: The cooling-off period starts on the day after the consumer, or a third party designated in advance by the consumer, who is not the carrier, has received the product, or if the consumer has ordered multiple products in the same order on the day on which the consumer or a third party designated by him has received the last product.

12. Reflection period for multiple orders: The entrepreneur may, provided he has clearly informed the consumer about this prior to the ordering process, refuse an order for multiple products with different delivery times. If the delivery of a product consists of several shipments or parts: the day on which the consumer, or a third party designated by him, has received the last shipment or part; in the case of agreements for regular delivery of products during a certain period: the day on which the consumer, or a third party designated by him, received the first product.

13. Refund: The entrepreneur uses the same payment method that the consumer used for reimbursement, unless the consumer accepts another method. The refund is free for the consumer. If the consumer has opted for a more expensive delivery method than the cheapest standard shipping, the entrepreneur is not obliged to reimburse the additional costs of the more expensive method.

14. Obligations of the consumer during the cooling-off period: During the cooling-off period, the consumer must handle the product and packaging with care. The consumer only unpacks the product to the extent necessary to determine the nature and characteristics of the product and should handle and inspect it as you would in a store. The consumer is liable for depreciation of the product if this is the result of manipulation of the product that goes beyond what is permitted in the previous paragraph.
